Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yan is reading your blog lol

According to BusinessWeek, the special report of “Big Brother is Reading Your Blog” has primarily reported the privacy concern on social networkers.

As I know, Internet is a public system, people like us who usually socialize and interact through social networking sites such as Facebook, My space and Twitter. Most social networkers openly post their thoughts and emotions on their sites for people to read as a sharing platform except for those users who do not want to disclose their personal information for strangers but only for friends. For this reason, it makes me to question about where the privacy concern comes from.

However, what if the campuses and corporations spend money to monitor what you write from your site? How do you feel about that?

No matter whether the social networkers are students or employees, if one breaches the personal privacy of another’s, it intimidates people and that’s why it’s related to privacy. Even though campuses and corporations may have their reasons and polices, but once again, Internet is a public place where people have their freedom at this blogosphere. Therefore, for the topic of privacy, the Australian Government website provides such Internet, communication and other technologies which give advices for users to protect their privacy.

Recently, there are numerous solutions that have been created to help social networkers deal with the risk of the Internet. For example, some sites such as have created software which uses automatic scanner to track users’ information. Such new tools are to remind users’ to be careful when they post their personal information online.

Consequently, no matter for teenagers or adults, the concern of internet privacy is obviously increasing and has made us to pay more attention on it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Citizen Journalism is...

To know what citizen journalism is, most of us would like to search from Google. In Wikipedia, citizen journalism can be defined as a concept of members of the public “playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information."

Personally, I believe citizen journalism is a pretty broad area, which can be connected with a specific form of citizen media. That means netizens can effectively report any types of information through the web including text, photographs, audio and video.

In fact, the internet provides a large impact on citizen journalism. No matter how positive or negative, it just comes with a tremendous power. With this power, citizen journalism has gradually become useful instead of the traditional journalism. Users can post and comment whatever they want on different sites without any limitation. However, citizen journalism still has controversially caused some of problems such as ethic and privacy etc.That’s my understanding of citizen journalism, or maybe I’m wrong, because I’m not a big big big fan of citizen journalism:)

In this broader context, blogging is a good tool for us to discover more information about citizen journalism. As for the rights, citizen journalism is not a useless media that professional journalists could look down on. Anyone who lives in this world has the right to be a citizen journalist.

Citizen journalism, sounds easy, hard to define! THAT’S NEWSWORTHY! HAHAHA!!!